We make things happen for communities …

Program Design

We have designed and delivered economic development programs that service communities across Canada.

Technology Tools

We have implemented and supported the implementation of technology tools to support economic development teams across Canada.

  • My Main Street

    Working with the Economic Developers Council of Ontario and the Candian Urban Institute, we developed a data-driven community economic development initiative called My Main Street.

    Specifically, the work completed included:

    Program Design - developed the program concept and design, including procedures and guidelines.

    Client Relationship Management System - developed the client relationship management (CRM) system for the program.

    Website - developed the program website and its integration with the program CRM.

    Stakeholder Engagement - provided initial stakeholder engagement to refine the program concept and promote municipal involvement in the program.

  • Digital Main Street

    Working with the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas and the City of Toronto, we developed a program focused on supporting small and independent businesses with their digital transformation called Digital Main Street.

    Specifically, the work completed included:

    Program Design - developed the program concept and design, including procedures and guidelines.

    Client Relationship Management System - developed the client relationship management (CRM) system for the program.

    Website - developed the program website and its integration with the program CRM.

    Stakeholder Engagement - provided initial stakeholder engagement to refine the program concept and promote municipal involvement in the program..

  • ShopHERE

    Working with the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas and the City of Toronto, we developed ShopHERE to support small businesses in building e-commerce stores at no-cost.

    Specifically, the work completed included:

    Program Design - developed the program concept and design, including procedures and guidelines.

    Partner Recruitment - engaged funding partners and volunteers to assist in the delivery of the program

  • StartUpHere Toronto

    Working with the City of Toronto, we developed a website focused on promoting Toronto’s startup community and attracting investment called Startup HERE Toronto.

    Specifically, the work completed included:

    Stakeholder Engagement - engaged key stakeholders from the Toronto innovation community, including post-secondary, accelerator and incubator partners, on the needs the site could fulfill for their organizations.

    Website Design and Launch - development, design and launch of the web platform.

    Operations - managed the operation of the web platform, including content creation and marketing for four years, growing the audience to a monthly audience of 50,000 unique users.